BBC Children in Need External Complaints Policy
About BBC Children in Need
BBC Children in Need is a charitable organisation that exists to support children and young people across the UK. The charity believes that very child and young person deserves the opportunity to thrive and be the best they can be.
At BBC Children in Need, we act where the need is greatest. Our ambition is to create positive and lasting change across the UK for the children and young people who need us most. Together with the BBC and our partners, we aim to inspire the nation and unite communities to support us in our work.
Our Complaints Policy
We welcome feedback, both positive and challenging, as this enables us to review, learn and improve how we do things. If you wish to raise a concern with us, we have a policy in place to guide you in doing so. The Complaints policy outlines our approach and the 3-stage formal complaints process we have in place.
Fundraising Promise and Fundraising Regulator
BBC Children in Need is a registered charity, no. 802052 (England and Wales) and no. SC039557 (Scotland) and a company limited by guarantee, company no. 04723022. We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator who regulates fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In doing so, it sets and maintains the standards for charitable fundraising and works to ensure that fundraising is respectful, open, honest and accountable. As a registered charity, we follow the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice and Fundraising Promise and comply with the key principles embodied in each.
You can find the Code here and the Promise here together with our own commitment to it here.
If you have a complaint about our fundraising, you should always try and raise it with us first. If however you are not happy with how we are dealing with your complaint or do not feel your matter has been addressed, then you can also complain to the Fundraising Regulator. You can use their online form available from their website or call 0300 999 3407. Full details of how to do so are set out here.
We benefit from unknown volunteers, and we often do not learn about many of the thousands of events which take place around the UK until we receive the money (often paid straight into the bank). We would hope that any fundraising on our behalf would adhere to the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice.