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BBC Children in Need Prize Draw Privacy Notice and Terms and Conditions – Supporters Survey 2023 Prize Draw

Privacy Notice

BBC Children in Need will collect and process the personal information that you provide to us for the purposes of understanding how you supported BBC Children in Need in 2023 and found the experience so we can improve it for you in future years, and to administer the prize draw if you enter. BBC Children in Need is the ‘data controller’ of this information and processes the data on the basis of our legitimate interests to interact with fundraisers to obtain feedback in relation to promotions.

As part of this survey, you will be asked to confirm your ethnicity. BBC Children in Need will only collect and process this information if you choose to provide it (this question is optional). BBC Children in Need is committed to improving equity, diversity and inclusion and by providing this information you will be supporting the charity to achieve its goal. BBC Children in Need processes this information on the basis of its legitimate interests to promote equality of opportunity and treatment (and on the grounds of substantial public interest to promote the same). Your response will only ever be used for equality monitoring purposes and only by BBC Children in Need.

We will retain details of your survey submission for 6 months.  BBC Children in Need’s Privacy Policy which includes contact details and how to exercise your rights, including how to request your details are deleted, is available at

Prize Draw Terms and Conditions

By entering the prize draw, all entrants will be deemed to accept these Terms and Conditions.  If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions, please do not enter the prize draw.

  1. The prize draw is open to all entrants in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, aged 18 years or over, except anyone closely connected with the prize draw or any BBC Children in Need employees or relatives.
  2. Entries open at 2pm on 20th November 2023 and close at 23:59pm on2nd January 2024. All entries must be received by the closing time and date. Entries received after the closing time and date will not be included in the prize draw
  3. To enter, entrants must complete the BBC Children in Need 2023 supporters survey, having completed all compulsory sections. No payment, purchase or investment is necessary.
  4. Only one entry per person is allowed. Entries from third party agents or bulk entries will not be eligible for the prize draw.
  5. The prize is a £25 Amazon Voucher. There are a total of 10 x £25 Amazon Vouchers to be won.
  6. BBC Children in Need will not be responsible for any entries that are not received by it for any reason, by the closing date, whether lost, delayed, corrupted or otherwise, and whether or not due to any technical difficulties or malfunctions.
  7. Unclear entries will not be eligible for the prize draw and acceptance of an entry is subject to BBC Children in Need’s reasonable discretion.
  8. Within five working days after the closing date the winners of this prize draw will be drawn at random by BBC Children in Need from all valid entries received. The winners will be randomly selected using a number generator and this will be completely independent and unbiased. BBC Children in Need’s decision is final on all matters and no correspondence will be entered into.
  9. The first 10 valid entries to be drawn will win the prizes.
  10. The winners will be contacted by email. BBC Children in Need will endeavour to notify the winners within 5 working days of the prize draw taking place. If, after reasonable attempts, a winner cannot be contacted, or a winner refuses the prize for any reason, BBC Children in Need reserves the right to offer the prize to the next randomly selected person that entered the prize draw, and so on until the winner is found.
  11. By entering the prize draw you agree that BBC Children in Need may publicise the name and county if you win. If you object to any or all of your name or county being published, please contact BBC Children in Need at [email protected]. In such circumstances, BBC Children in Need must still provide the information to the Advertising Standards Authority on request.
  12. The prize will be sent to the address provided by the winner when they are contacted which should be the relevant person’s address. The prize must be accepted as offered; there is no cash alternative or replacement.
  13. The prize is not transferable.
  14. This prize draw is promoted by BBC Children in Need, registered charity 802052 (England & Wales) and SC039557 (Scotland). Our address is Bridge House, Media City UK, Salford, M50 2BH. The applicable law is that of England and Wales.
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