A Million and Me - Partners and Collaborations
Our Funded Partners
Our Collaborations
Centre for Mental Health
CMH is our evaluation partner, supporting us to find and share the learning coming from the projects funded through the A Million & Me programme.
Through regular convening events a common purpose has been developed across diverse work, establishing support networks for 8-13 year olds who are beginning to struggle with their mental health.
In addition, CMH has produced two scoping reports to inform the programme, The Space Between Us, examining the issues facing children growing up in isolated communities, rural, coastal and island and an overview of conduct disorder and how it is currently managed.
Queen’s University Belfast, Children’s Rights Centre
Led by global expert Prof Laura Lundy, Queen’s established a pilot children’s advisory panel of 9-11 year olds to help inform and develop the programme and share their views on what good mental health looked like. The group of 10 children from different backgrounds across Scotland called themselves #amillion&mesquad and kept us right on language and focus. Queen’s produced a Participation Toolkit and evaluation report which will inform future advisory panels.
Immediate Media
For over a year, Immediate Media ran a complementary campaign promoting positive messaging on supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing across their publications. With a distribution of over 900,000 a month, the ‘Your Mind Matters’ campaign was awarded ‘Campaign of the Year’ by the Professional Publishers Association. All content was expertly reviewed by the Centre for Mental Health for both accuracy and alignment with BBC Children in Need ambition.
Anna Freud
A programme of support to the portfolio of projects currently funded by BBC Children in Need, is being delivered by Anna Freud. The purpose of this capacity building exercise is to encourage and inform trusted adults in children’s lives who can listen, help to clarify concerns and know if and where to get additional help. Anna Freud will build on what is being done intuitively to make best use of those trusted relationships by enabling children to talk about their feelings and get the help they need, how, where and when they want it.
This programme will be evaluated independently by the Centre for Mental Health.
As the BBC’s charity, Children in Need works closely across a range of platforms locally and nationally, to share learning and promote engagement with children and their families and carers. The diverse life experiences of children in our portfolio offer rich insights into issues affecting children’s wellbeing which we will share, support and promote with our partners across all strands of the BBC.