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Project Costs

Important Update about our Grantmaking

As part of our ongoing commitment to improving our systems and processes, BBC Children in Need are transitioning to a new grantmaking system. This transition will take place throughout 2025 and we will launch our new system by the end of September. During this period there will be some disruption to our grant programmes.

As a result BBC Children in Need will be unable to accept new Expressions of Interest applications after 15th April 2025 until we launch our new grantmaking system, by the end of September 2025.

Your current online account (also known as the grantee portal) will close on 25th July 2025. We will launch our new grantee portal by the end of September 2025.

We want to minimise the disruption this transition will have on all our applicants and grantees. If you are a current applicant or grantee then we will be contacting you directly with information about how this affects you.

For more information please visit our Transition to New Grantmaking System Frequently Asked Questions

Project Costs

  • The Project Costs stream has no application deadline – you can apply at any time
  • We will not fund any work that has already taken place, or any costs incurred, before the date we give you a decision
  • The first step in applying for Project Costs is to fill in a short Expression of Interest (EOI) form online
  • Use the EOI form to tell us a bit more about your organisation, and the work you want us to fund
  • You’ll be able to access the EOI form in your online account when the funding stream is open
  • If we would like to support the work outlined in your EOI form, we’ll send you a full application form to complete
  • Our National and Regional Plans will help you understand how we prioritise decisions

Currently, we are only able to fund 1 in 8 of the applications we receive.

BBC Children in Need commits to fairness and making a positive difference for children and young people. It is our responsibility to embrace a diverse, equitable, and inclusive approach to everything we do. Children and young people are great at this and we need to be too.

We encourage you to contact us with any feedback about our grant-making. We want to be as accessible and supportive as possible for your organisation. This could mean translating our application into another language. We will also speak to you to help clarify any questions.  If you need help to apply, please phone us on 0345 609 0015, or email [email protected]

As we get further on this journey together we will develop to ensure we are an equitable, diverse, and inclusive grant-maker.

We want our application process to work well for you. It’s new to us too, so we’ll be learning and improving as we go. Please let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions for improving it.

What are Project Costs?

Project Costs support the aims and delivery of a specific piece of work. This work will usually be time-limited, and based on a defined set of activities.

Our Project Costs Funding Stream is for charities and not-for-profit organisations. Applicants to this programme can apply for grants for up to three years. We aim to give quicker decisions for grants of £15,000 or less per year.

The information below will help you decide whether to apply for Project Costs. If you want to apply for Core Costs instead, please visit our Core Costs Funding Stream page.

Please also ensure you have read our A-Z of eligibility policies and guidance and our FAQs.  

Our Project grants are awarded as restricted funding. They must be used to cover your organisation’s essential running expenses.

Unrestricted funding could be used by an organisation for any charitable aim at any time, entirely at the grantee’s own discretion. We do not award completely unrestricted funds of this type.

BBC Children in Need Project Grants cannot be used to support full cost recovery models. We are however able to fund specific, overhead costs that are directly linked to the work. These might include rent, utilities, or administrative costs.

For example, we can fund specific costs associated with running a project which have been costed and are proportionate to the work being applied for. We would be unable to fund unspecified costs which are not clearly linked to the Project such as “10% of overheads”.

Please note you must specify individual costs in your budget.

Who can apply?

  • Not-for-profit organisations working with children and young people aged 18 or under
  • Organisations that are based in the UK, the Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands
  • Organisations that work with children and young people who live in the UK, the Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands 
  • We will only consider applications for over £15,000 per year from organisations who have registered with the appropriate regulatory body
  • You can only apply for and hold one grant at any time
  • If you have a current BBC Children in Need Small or Main grant that is due to end within 12 months, please seeWe already have a grant from BBC Children in Need. When can we apply for another? in our FAQ to confirm if you are eligible to apply
  • If we do not fund your application we will advise you when you are next able to apply to us
  • You won’t be eligible for our Project Costs stream if you have a current grant with more than 12 months left to deliver
  • We seek to prioritise smaller, local organisations. For Project Grants, we understand that in certain circumstances, larger organisations can be best placed to deliver work to the communities that need it most. If your organisation has a turnover of over £2m in the most recent, complete financial year you may only apply for a Project Grant if you are:  

If you fit into the above, you must have a conversation with your local team who will advise on whether you should apply. You can find out how to contact your local team here.

  • If your organisation is delivering in more than one nation in the UK, you are able to apply to and hold a project grant in more than one nation (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales) at any one time
  • If you apply to us for UK-wide delivery, a centrally based decision panel will consider your application. Please see our A- Z Eligibility Guidance for more information on UK Wide Delivery

The people and organisations that BBC Children in Need fund will be:

  • Working with children and young people aged 18 years and under
  • Working in the heart of their communities, particularly in times of crisis
  • Putting children and young people at the centre of everything they do, from design to delivery
  • Addressing challenges faced by children and young people, building their skills and resilience
  • Empowering children and young people, and extending their choices in life
  • Keen to keep learning about and developing their work with children and young people
  • Committed to making a difference in children and young people’s lives

BBC Children in Need doesn’t fund:

  • Work that statutory bodies (such as schools or local authorities) have a duty to fund
  • Educational institutions, including schools, universities, and pupil referral units. Special schools are the only exception; please see our A–Z Eligibility Guidance for more detail
  • Local authorities, NHS bodies, hospitals or prisons
  • Capital or building projects
  • Projects that promote religion
  • Trips abroad, or other activity taking place outside the UK
  • Medical treatment or research
  • Pregnancy testing or advice, information, or counselling on pregnancy choices
  • Awareness-raising work, except where targeted at children or young people most at risk
  • Bursaries, sponsored places, fees, or similar costs
  • Holidays where there is little or no project involvement
  • Political activity, including party political organisations or direct lobbying
  • Individuals
  • Costs passed on to other organisations. We expect all organisations applying for funding to take full responsibility for finance, governance and safeguarding during delivery of the work
  • General appeals or endowment funds
  • Help with budget shortfalls or debt repayments
  • Work that has already taken place – or any costs incurred – before the date we give you a decision (retrospective funding)
  • Projects unable to start within 12 months of the grant award date
  • Unspecified expenditure
  • Full cost recovery models
  • Any activity that is already being funded through another grant. We cannot fund the same activity twice. All applications should clearly demonstrate that they are either for different work, or for work with a different cohort of children and young people

Should your organisation apply?

It’s very important that you refer to our online A–Z Eligibility Guidance before you apply for funding. It may also save you the time and effort of applying for costs we don’t fund. You should also check that you meet our Minimum Standards for Grantmaking.

Our A-Z Eligibility Guidance includes details of our grantmaking policies. Some will be relevant to every application, such as our Safeguarding Children policy. Others are important for certain types of applications, such as work involving counselling, or projects seeking funding for equipment. We regularly review our eligibility policies and guidance. Please ensure you have read through these carefully before applying.

How much should you apply for?

  • Applications for grants of £15,000 or less per year will receive a quicker decision from us, and so will be able to start sooner if successful
  • Our Project Grants stream supports projects for up to three years
  • We will only consider applications for over £15,000 per year from organisations who have registered with the appropriate regulatory body. Please see more information in our A-Z Eligibility Guidance on Applications for over £15,000 per year and Unregistered Organisations
  • We do not make grants of over £120,000 (or £40,000 per year), and most grants we make are for much less than this. Each year we receive a far higher number of funding requests than we are able to support. Applications for larger amounts are always more difficult for us to fund
  • If your project directly supports certain groups of especially vulnerable children and young people, you’ll be unable to apply for less than £15,001 per year. In particular, this means work with children affected by child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation or serious youth violence. Our approach to funding work in these areas involves making larger grants, and building deeper relationships with delivery organisations

How do you apply?

  1. Plan your project in detail. It may help to read our guide to planning your project before you apply. Poor planning is a common cause of unsuccessful applications
  2. Read our A-Z Eligibility Guidance to help ensure you’re only applying for things that we can fund
  3. Read our Minimum Standards for Grantmaking to check that your organisation is eligible. If these standards are not met, we will be unable to support your work
  4. Submit your EOI form for us to consider against our national and regional priorities. We aim to give you a decision regarding your Expression of Interest Form within six weeks of receiving it
  5. If we decide to progress your EOI to the next stage, we will send you a link to a full Application Form. You will then gain access this form through your online account

When should you apply?

The Project Costs stream has no application deadlines, and you can apply at any time.  We will not any fund work that has already taken place, or any costs incurred, before the date we give you a decision. If your request is successful, you must start spending your grant within 12 months

Plan your application date so that you will receive a decision in plenty of time before the work will begin. We receive a very high number of applications between October and January. If you submit a form during these months, it may take longer to get a decision.

What happens after you submit an Expression of Interest form?

After you submit your EOI form, we’ll send you an email to confirm that we have it. This email will give you more information about what happens next.

  • If your EOI is not progressed to the next stage, we’ll email you to explain our decision. Due to the high volume of organisations registering through this process, we cannot give you any further feedback at this stage
  • If we do decide to progress your EOI, we’ll send you a link to a full online Application Form
  • Once we’ve sent you this link, you’ll be able to access the full application form in your online account
  • You’ll have 30 days to submit your full application, from the day we send you the link

We may decide that your EOI would be a better fit for one of our other funding streams, and not the one you’ve applied to. In that case, we’ll send you a link to an application form for the stream that best supports your planned work.

What happens after you submit a Project Costs full application form?

After you submit the full application form, we’ll send you an email to confirm we’ve received it. This email will also give you more information about what happens next.

  1. First, we will check that the Project Costs you applied for are eligible for our funding
  2. We will then use a standardised process to help us decide which applications to take further. Among other things, this process will consider:
      • The current volume of applications
      • The current budget available
      • Our regional or national priorities
  1. We may ask you to book a time slot with us for a brief phone call about your safeguarding procedures
  2. We may also ask for more information about your application or your work
  3. Applications are sent to a decision-making meeting in your region or nation, where a funding recommendation is made
  4. Recommendations are passed to our trustees, and a final decision made about whether to offer you a grant

Once a decision is made, we’ll email you to confirm the outcome. We’ll soon be publishing more information about how long it will take to hear a decision.

What happens when you get a decision?

If your application is successful, we’ll send you an email to confirm this. The email will explain more about what happens next. You can also find more information in the ‘I have a grant’ section.

  • There may be some further conditions on your grant. These are changes you’ll need to make, or things you’ll need to tell us, before we can award you the agreed funding
  • You must start spending the grant within 12 months of the date that we email you our decision

If your application is unsuccessful, we’ll send you an email to confirm this. The email will give you a brief reason for our decision, and include details about when you can apply again.

If you wish to request further feedback, details on how to do this will be contained in your decision letter.


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