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What We Do

BBC Children in Need believes that every child should have the chance to thrive and be the best they can be.
For this to happen, we want every child to have someone they can turn to for help or support to overcome challenges they face…
A child being served food from a large metal tray

Someone able to give...

food, clothes and bags to a child living without

An adult lies on the floor beside a child as they both look at photos together in an album

Someone qualified to talk

to a child who is anxious, isolated or grieving;

An adult smiles at a child who is writing in a notebook

Someone trained...

to mentor teenagers in communities facing inequality, violence or lack of opportunity

A child and adult sit together on a bench

Someone to be there

for children living with serious illness, disability or carrying a load that’s just too heavy to manage alone.

With your donations, we’re currently funding nearly 1,500 charities and children’s projects to the value of £91.5 million. In 2022/2023 we supported well over 400,000 children.


Map of the United Kingdom with a magnifying glass

There for children across the UK

We support children in the communities where you live. We fund amazing people in family centres, community spaces, youth clubs and refuges; homeless shelters, hospices and helplines.

Explore our interactive map to discover the brilliant work that we’re funding near you

Your donation: where it goes and what it does

Find out more about how we use your donations to fund local projects across the UK


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