Pudsey Bear Hug
Looking for a gorgeous craft activity for kids that will help them to share a little love? This activity is perfect for both huggy youngsters and children who aren’t keen on physical affection but still want to show they care.
What you will need
- Yellow craft card
- Black craft card
- White craft card
- A black marker pen
- A pencil
- A ruler
- Colourful marker pens (we’ve gone for red, green, blue and purple)
How to do it
- Fold a piece of yellow card in half, then draw around our special template to create the shape of Pudsey’s face, ensuring that the top of Pudsey’s head touches the card’s folded edge.
- This step is for adults only: cut around the shape, leaving it joined at the fold. You should be able to flip the face shape open vertically.
- Another adults-only step: draw and cut out two Pudsey ears from more yellow card using our templates.
- Stick the ears to the top of the head, making sure you only attach them to the part of the card that flips open.
- Draw Pudsey’s bandana on white card, making sure it’s the right size and shape to cover one of your Pudsey card’s eyes (the left eye as you look at him!)
- Another adults-only step: cut out the bandana shape.
- Glue on Pudsey’s bandana and leave to dry.
- Now, on another piece of yellow card, measure and draw out two 5cm-thick strips that run the full width of the sheet.
- Another adults-only step: cut out the two strips, then round off the ends to make two simple paws.
- Draw on Pudsey’s toes with black marker.
- Put a line of glue across the end of one of the strips (not the rounded end), then glue this to the corresponding end of the other strip.
- Glue the joined strips across the back of your circular card at the bottom. Remember: the card will flip up to open, so you should glue the strips to the open edge. Leave to dry.
- Use the black marker to draw a smile on Pudsey’s face, create his nose and add an eye on the side without the bandana.
- Now draw spots on Pudsey’s bandana using your colourful marker pens!
- Another adults-only step: to join the paws together in a hug, cut two 2.5cm slits in the long strip – one around 3.5cm from one paw end and the other around 3.5cm from the other paw end. IMPORTANT: one slit should go from the bottom up to the middle and the other should go from the top down to the middle. The slits should slide together neatly.
- Write a lovely message in your card. Your Pudsey bear hug is finished!