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food being served to a child in a canteen style setting

Finding help and support during the Cost of Living Crisis

The Cost of Livings Crisis is affecting many of us. For further support and nationally accessible services, we’ve listed just a few useful places you can visit or contact.

Basic items

  • Family Fund – Our Emergency Essentials programme supports children and young people who are facing exceptionally difficult circumstances, and is delivered by Family Fund. The programme can provide items that meet a child’s most basic needs such as a bed to sleep in, a cooker to provide a hot meal and other items or services critical to a child’s wellbeing.
  • Fuel Bank Foundation – advice for individuals about fuel insecurity.
  • Good Things Foundation – Online Centres Network is made up of grassroots organisations, all working to tackle digital and social exclusion by providing people with the skills and confidence they need to access digital technology.

Warm Spaces in your community

  • Warm Spaces – Find a Warm Space in the local community
  • Warm Welcome – Find a free Warm Space in the local community


  • End Child Poverty – Free School Meals information including an eligibility checker.
  • IFAN – Independent Food Aid Network’s interactive map of food banks, food distribution charities and local support hubs across the UK.
  • Independent Food Aid Network – map of independent foodbanks across the UK.
  • The Trussell Trust – Food banks providing short-term, emergency support with food during a crisis.
  • Your Local Food Pantry – member-led neighbourhood hubs that stock food that members, who usually pay a small subscription, and in return can access affordable food.

Money and Housing

  • Citizens Advice – offer support with a range of issues including benefits, debt and housing.
  • Shelter – offer support with housing issues.
  • StepChange Debt Charity – 24 hour debt advice service

Emotional, social and support

  • Home-Start – local community network across the UK of trained volunteers and staff who can give non-judgmental, compassionate and confidential support to families with young children through challenging times.
  • Turn2us – Find an Advisor Tool provides information and advice on local support and advice related to benefits, housing, jobs, legal issues and other practical help.
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