Parenting in the Pandemic: Views from Young Mums
We were so scared to even go to the shops
Young Mums share their experience of lockdown with their young children
Becoming a new parent during the pandemic has been challenging for many families. With the cancellation of usual social activities such as antenatal class, baby clubs and toddler groups, some Mums have found the transition to motherhood difficult.
One quarter of parents reported concern about their relationship with their baby, and one third of these would like to get help with this.
· A third of respondents believed that their baby’s interaction with them had changed during the lockdown period.
· Almost half of parents reported that their baby had become more clingy.
· One quarter reported their baby crying more than usual.
Source: Babies in Lockdown: listening to parents to build back better (2020). Best Beginnings, Home-Start UK, and the Parent-Infant Foundation.
In addition, insights from BBC Children in Need Grantees working in Early Years provision indicate that development opportunities for some babies and toddlers have been missed and many parents have felt isolated due to a lack of interaction with other young families.
Projects like Bright Futures in Tyne & Wear are supporting young Mums who might not have the confidence to reach out and ask for help. Watch three parents – Georgia, Sophie and Penny – talk about how the Young Mums Network has helped their toddlers…
The groups are informal and delivered in the community with lots of fun activities for the children. Peer mentors support other Mums with workshops in birth preparation, parenting skills, household management and healthy relationships, along with peri and post mental health awareness.
In addition to the groups, the Network has a thriving social media community (monitored by the mentors & staff) and they also provide healthy food parcels and activity packs for children to encourage their development.

Ultimately, the project’s aim is to provide a safe and non-judgemental space for Mums to talk about any challenges they might be facing and to give them the help they need to thrive as a parent and an individual. The service is available until the mums feel happy and confident enough to take the next steps in their lives with their young children.